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Cultivating Virtual Competence
作者姓名:Nicole R.D. Haggerty; Zeying Wan; Yinglei Wang;
出版日期:2020/11/01內容長度:10 頁

This article aims to help organizations invest wisely in virtual competence by first explaining how this requires the development of three capabilities: virtual self-efficacy, virtual social skill, and virtual media skill. It then highlights concrete actions that managers can take to help ensure that virtual work meets its potential in their organizations. One key finding in the authors’ research is that people develop virtual competence through experience .....more

Lulu.com - TN
作者姓名:Darren Meister; Yinglei Wang
出版日期:2007/03/15內容長度:8 頁

Teaching note for product 9B06E016

作者姓名:Darren Meister; Yinglei Wang
商品類型:Case (Field)商品編號:9B06E016
出版日期:2006/08/28內容長度:14 頁

Lulu.com is an e-commerce company that distributes content for book authors, video producers, calendar designers and other intellectual property creators that can be captured in digital formats. At this time, Lulu.com has developed a successful niche market in print-on-demand books within the United States. However, the vision of its founder is much larger. The president is faced with the strategic dilemma of whether to expand Lulu.com's product .....more